Michael Golden, MD

Unmistakably patient-centered

Welcome to my personalized medicine practice

What is personalized medicine?

In a personalized/concierge medicine practice, the doctor makes a commitment to limit the number of patients to ensure adequate time and availability for each patient, and to provide an enhanced level of care.

Extended, unrushed visits enable physicians to spend meaningful time with patients, build relationships, and provide more comprehensive, proactive care than in traditional practices. To make this possible, the patient pays an annual fee.

Why did you convert your practice to concierge medicine?

I love practicing medicine. The greatest gift I have been given is the power to connect with patients, interpret their needs, and provide just the right amount of guidance. However, my concern with healthcare today is the lack of time… there is never enough of it to do as much as I would like for every patient and care for them proactively, not reactively.

Converting my practice to a concierge medicine model given me the ability to offer longer appointment times, more availability, and enhanced healthcare services.

I am creating an environment that is warm, welcoming and unmistakably patient-centered. At every visit, during every phone call, before hours or after, patients will know that their concerns are all that matter to me.

Meet Dr. Michael Golden

Patient Testimonials

Some of the Benefits You Will Receive

  • 24/7 direct communications. After hours, for urgent issues you can reach me by personal cell phone, email or text message.
  • Longer, unhurried appointments. Your Comprehensive Annual Health Assessment will be scheduled for 60 minutes and all other appointments for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Strong focus on preventive medicine and wellness. I conduct a thorough assessment of your health which serves as the basis of your personalized wellness plan.
  • Same-day appointments. You will be seen as early as the same day, for acute visits.
  • Enhanced coordination. There will be more time to coordinate care with specialists.
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